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LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Market regulator probes Mercedes Benz for Xi'an oil leak scandal

Global Times

The market regulator in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province has ordered a Mercedes Benz 4S dealership in the city, mired in an oil leak scandal, to refund the buyer as soon as possible after conducting an investigation of the incident. 


表示“特许经销商(店),尤指汽车经销商”,英文解释为“a business that sells a particular company's product, especially cars”。


4S店是指集汽车销售、维修、配件和信息服务为一体的销售店。4S店是一种以“四位一体”为核心的汽车特许经营模式,包括整车销售、零配件、售后服务、信息反馈(Sale, Spare Part, Service, Survey)。

In China, authorized car dealership are called 4S car shops. The 4S represents Sale, Spare part, Service and Survey. 整车销售 (Sale), 零配件 (Spare part), 售后服务 (Service), 信息反馈 (Survey).

The profit of car dealers in China is quite high compared to the rest of the world, in most cases 10%. This is supposedly due to the 'non-transparent invoice price' as announced by manufactures and to the premiums they charge for quick delivery. Due to the lack of knowledge for most customers, dealers can sell add-ons at much higher prices than the aftermarket. (Wikipedia)

其中,spare part表示“零件,备件”(Spare parts are parts that you can buy separately to replace old or broken parts in a piece of equipment. They are usually parts that are designed to be easily removed or fitted.)

add-on含义类似,表示“附加物;附加装置”(a thing that is added to sth else),如:an add-on circuit board 一块附加电路板;也可以指“现存计划、协议、法律等的补充”(something extra that is added to an existing plan, agreement, law etc)举个🌰:

We bought legal protection as an add-on to our home insurance policy.


be/become mired (down) in sth

表示“深陷…中”,英文解释为“to be involved in a difficult situation, especially for a long period of time”举个🌰:

The peace talks are mired in bureaucracy.


· mire本身作名词,表示“泥潭,泥坑”(deep mud),举个🌰:

The wheels got stuck in the mire.


此外,the mire也可以指“困境;艰难的处境”(a bad or difficult situation that you cannot seem to escape from)。


· quagmire /ˈkwæɡˌmaɪə/

1) 表示“沼泽地;泥潭,泥泞地”(an area of soft wet muddy ground);

2) 表示“困难(复杂)的局势,困境”(a difficult or complicated situation),举个🌰:

He had fallen further and further into a quagmire of confusion.


· morass /mə'ræs/

1) 表示“泥淖,沼泽”(a dangerous area of soft wet ground)

2) 表示“困境;陷阱”(a complicated and confusing situation that is very difficult to get out of);


I tried to drag myself out of the morass of despair.


Mercedes Benz apologized on Saturday, saying a special work group will head to Xi'an to investigate and work out a solution with the customer as soon as possible.
The German car manufacturer said it deeply regrets the buyer's unpleasant experience at the dealership in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, according to a statement the company sent to the Global Times on Saturday.

“Ensuring consumers' legal rights and interests is always our first priority and is a principle all our dealerships should adhere to,” the company said.
Mercedes Benz's apology came after a clip of a woman complaining about her unpleasant experience of buying a car that started leaking oil even before she drove it out of the dealership went viral on Thursday and triggered an investigation by local regulators.
The video shows the woman sitting on top of the car and crying that she bought it for 660,000 yuan ($98,213), making a down payment of 200,000 yuan, and after the leak was discovered her complaint was ignored for 15 days.

down payment

表示“(分期付款购物的)首付款,首期付款,头款,订金”,英文解释为“a payment you make when you buy something that is only part of the full price, with the rest to be paid later”举个🌰:

We’ve almost got enough money to make a down payment on a house.


"I gave you [the dealer] 15 days, but you only told me you would change the engine. I am not satisfied with the work," the buyer said in the clip that was shot on Tuesday.
The car in question has been sealed for examination by local regulators, media reports said on Saturday.


seal作名词,可以表示“海豹”(a large sea animal that eats fish and lives around coasts),“印章,图章;印记,图记”(a mark that has a special design and shows the legal or official authority of a person or organization);

作动词,可以指“把…封住,封闭”(to close an entrance or a container with something that stops air, water etc from coming in or out of it),“粘住,封住信封、包裹等”(to close an envelope, package etc by using something sticky to hold its edges in place),或者是“封闭,封锁建筑物、地区等”(a building, area, or country is sealed, no one can enter or leave it)。

Thepaper.cn said that the dealership reached an agreement with the buyer on Tuesday, agreeing to refund her in full before April 30, but the buyer told local regulators that she was not satisfied with the deal, and insisted on further negotiations.
A Mercedes Benz dealership in Xi'an Saturday said the shop is negotiating with the buyer. No details have been revealed.

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